LoRaWAN Modbus Gateway
The Lobaro LoRaWAN Modbus Gateway is a LoRaWAN Gateway with integrated LoRaWAN Network Server providing sensor data via Modbus.
Hardware Components
LoRaWAN Gateway
IMST Version | RAK Version |
Currently not available
| New Version based on RAK Wireless
USB-Modbus Adapter
Software Components
- Chirpstack Network Server
- Semtech Packet Forwarder
- Chirpstack Gateway Bridge
- Chirpstack Network Server
- Chirpstack Application Server
- Postgres
- Redis
- Lobaro Modbus Server
Usually you will not need to change anything inside the Chirpstack Application Server. All devices are managed by the Lobaro Modbus Server.
Remote access
Per default the gateway obtains the IP address via DHCP. If configured with a fixed IP address, the gateway has a label with the configured IP address and subnet.
SSH Access
The gateway can be accessed via SSH on port 22. Default login credentials are:
- User: pi
- Password: lobarogw
- IP: DHCP with fallback to (IMST) or (RAK)
- On RAK with latest image also possible via WLAN AP:
- Default SSID "RAKMBG_XXYY" (XX and YY last bytes of WLAN adapter MAC) and password "lobarowireless", RAK IP
- On RAK with latest image also possible via WLAN AP:
Management UI
- IMST version:
- RAK version:
- User & Password: Same as Chirpstack
- or IP from DHCP
- User: admin
- Password: lobarogw
SD Card write protection
Write protection on the SD card was removed in current firmware releases
To change any filed on the SD Card (including all config files) you need to execute the script:
To disable write access, restart the gateway or execute:
Lobaro Modbus Server
The Lobaro Modbus Server (lobaro-modbus-server
) is responsible for fetching data from the local LoRaWAN Network Server and provides received data via modbus.
vim can be used to edit files.
To use WinSCP with the user "pi" the files need write access:
sudo chmod o+wr /etc/lobaro-modbus-server/lobaro-modbus-server.yml
Open or change configuration of the Lobaro Modbus Server:
sudo vim /etc/lobaro-modbus-server/lobaro-modbus-server.yml
After editing the configuration lobaro-modbus-server must be restarted:
sudo systemctl restart lobaro-modbus-server
Check the status with
sudo systemctl status lobaro-modbus-server
Check the logs with
sudo journalctl --no-pager -e -u lobaro-modbus-server
Additional Services There are other services running to operate the gateway.
- lobaro-modbus-server
- redis-server
- postgresql / postgresql@9.6-main.service
- mosquitto
- IoTSemtech
- chirpstack-gateway-bridge
- chirpstack-network-server
- chirpstack-application-server
Useful commands:
# Status:
sudo systemctl status <service-name>
# Start / Stop / Restart
sudo systemctl start <service-name>
sudo systemctl stop <service-name>
sudo systemctl restart <service-name>
# Logs
sudo journalctl --no-pager -e -u <service-name>
Beside checking the logs, you can also analyze the files in the dataDir
(see config).
There are two files that help writing the config and checking the results.
- contains raw json received from Chirpstack. Can be used to verifymapping[].register.value
- contains all register values provided via modbus. All values are formatted as int.
Example device-data.json
"0000000000000000-1": {
"adr": true,
"applicationID": "1",
"applicationName": "default",
"data": "AAMEAOQN1g==",
"devEUI": "0000000000000000",
"deviceName": "0000000000000000",
"fCnt": 1,
"fPort": 1,
"object": {
"temp": 22.8,
"vBat": 3.542,
"version": "v0.3.4"
"rxInfo": [
"gatewayID": "0000000000000000",
"loRaSNR": 8.8,
"location": {
"altitude": 0,
"latitude": 0,
"longitude": 0
"name": "default",
"rssi": -36,
"uplinkID": "ce2e086a-d747-4813-9428-b7a4a45abcc8"
"txInfo": {
"dr": 0,
"frequency": 868300000
Example register-map.json
"Register": {
"100": {
"Val": 0,
"Type": 1,
"UpdatedAt": "2020-02-07T13:44:03.39750918Z"
Configuration file
Register Types
For mapping.[device].register.type
the following types are valid:
"type" Parameter | Register Count |
int16 | 1 |
uint16 | 1 |
uint32 | 2 |
int32 | 2 |
float32 | 2 |
downlink | 1 |
Example Configuration
# The application stores persistent data at this path
dataDir: /mnt/ssd/var/data/lobaro-modbus-server/
# Chipstack configuration. Required to manage configured LoRaWAN devices.
server: http://localhost:8080
broker: localhost
appId: 1
username: admin
password: admin
# Modbus configuration.
# <v1.2.0: Serial mode is fixed at: 8 Data bits, Even Parity, 1 Stop bit (8E1)
baud: 19200
dataBits: 8 # since v1.2.0
parity: "even" # no, even (default), odd - since v1.2.0
stopBits: 1 # 1 (default), 1.5, 2 - since v1.2.0
slaveId: 1
port: /dev/ttyUSB0
# Mapping from LoRaWAN Sensors to Modbus Registers
# LoRaWAN Sensor parameters
- devEUI: 0000000000000000
appKey: 00000000000000000000000000000000
# Chirpstack Device Profile to use. Includes the Payload Parser.
devProfile: lobaro-environment
devName: "name of device in chirpstack"
# Register mapping for this device
# One device can fill any number of registers.
# The server will check for overlapping definitions on start.
# Modbus Address (do NOT prefix with 0, else it's octal)
- addr: 1
# The value to be mapped.
# Usually the value is taken from the Chirpstack Parser result JSON
# and can be selected via JSON Path as handled by https://github.com/tidwall/gjson
# There are some special values:
# @age - age of last update in minutes (for any register of this device)
# @now - Current time as Unix Timestamp
value: "@age" # age of last update in minutes (for any register of this device)
# Data type of the value. Default byte order is LittleEndian
# Supported types are: int16, uint16 (more will come in future versions)
type: int16
# The value is only for messages on the specified port, 0 for "every". Default: 0
port: 0
# The register value is multiplied with the given factor, 0 is irgnored. Default: 1
factor: 1
- addr: 2
port: 1 # status packet
value: "object.vBat"
type: int16
factor: 1000
- addr: 3
port: 2
value: "object.temperature"
type: int16
factor: 10
- addr: 4
port: 2
value: "object.humidity"
type: int16
factor: 10
- addr: 5
port: 2
value: "object.pressure"
type: int16
factor: 10
- addr: 6
port: 2
value: "rxInfo.0.rssi"
type: int16
- addr: 7
port: 2
value: "txInfo.dr"
type: int16
- addr: 8
port: 128
value: "0x0102" # value to be sent as downlink, either as hex (prefixed with "0x") or base64 string
type: downlink
# A second device as example
- devEUI: 0000000000000000
appKey: 00000000000000000000000000000000
devProfile: lobaro-one-wire
- addr: 100
value: "@age" # age of last update in minutes (for any register of this device)
type: int16
- addr: 101
port: 1 # status packet
value: "object.vBat"
type: int16
factor: 1000
- addr: 102
port: 2
value: "object.sensors.0.temp"
type: int16
factor: 10
- addr: 103
port: 2
value: "rxInfo.0.rssi"
type: int16
- addr: 104
port: 2
value: "txInfo.dr"
type: int16
- addr: 105
port: 128
value: "dGVzdF9kb3dubGluaw==" # value to be sent as downlink, either as hex (prefixed with "0x") or base64 string
type: downlink
- addr: 106
type: downlink-var
len: 5 # 107-111
Send Fixed Downlinks
Send a predefined downlink packet to a configures port to a LoRaWAN device with a single write to a modbus register.
- addr: 8
port: 128
value: "0x0102" # value to be sent as downlink, either as hex (prefixed with "0x") or base64 string
type: downlink
Set the register to type "downlink" to allow sending the "value" via LoRaWAN to the deivce.
With the example above: -Write any value to modbus register with address 8
- A downlink "0x0102" will be queued on port 128
- The register will keep the written value in case of success. In case of error the value will be 0.
Send Variable Downlinks
Send variable downlinks to a variable ports. Payload must be written to a set of defined modbus registers per LoRaWAN Device.
First, specify a new register under the device of your choice with type downlink-var
. Then, set the following options for it:
: How many modbus registers (following this register) should be assigned as storage for the variable downlink.Confirm
: Whether to ask the device for acknowledgement of reception of the sent downlink (false
- addr: 123
type: downlink-var
len: 7 # storing in registers 124-130
confirm: true
The resulting structure at the configured address addr will be:
Downlink Trigger | Downlink data | ... | Downlink data |
addr | addr+1 | ... | addr+len |
After (re-)starting the modbus server to apply the new config:
- Write your desired downlink (bytes) to the downlink data registers, starting at addr+1.
- You can only write 2 * len bytes at maximum! Extra bytes will be discarded.
- Optional: Write 0x0000 to the downlink trigger register at addr to clear the register (no downlink will be queued!)
- Write <port><length> to the downlink trigger register at addr, using 1 byte each for the designated FPort and downlink length in bytes.
- Example: Send downlink to port 128 (0x80), 10 (0x0A) bytes long: Write value
to register addr.
- Example: Send downlink to port 128 (0x80), 10 (0x0A) bytes long: Write value
To check if the downlink was successful, read the trigger register and check its value:
- Register value = <port><length>: The downlink was successfully queued.
- Register value = 0: The downlink couldn't be queued for your device. Check the server log for more details.
The gateway uses a local Chirpstack server. Access management interface on https://<gw-ip>:8080
Documentation can be found on Chripstack.io.
For each type of device the lobaro-modbus-server
needs to reference a Device Profile. See: Chirpstack Device Profile Management. The Device Profile of each LoRaWAN device must be referenced by its name or UUID in the lobaro-modbus-server.yml
config file.
Gateway administration
When ever any file on the SD-Card need to change make sure to execute
Change password
Login via SSH (see: Remote access)
Change IP address
sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces
pi@LoRaGateway:~ $ cat /etc/network/interfaces
# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)
# Please note that this file is written to be used with dhcpcd
# For static IP, consult /etc/dhcpcd.conf and 'man dhcpcd.conf'
# Include files from /etc/network/interfaces.d:
source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# DHCP (Default, comment line to disable DHCP)
iface eth0 inet manual
# Fixed IP (Uncomment to enable or use /etc/dhcpcd.conf)
#auto eth0
#iface eth0 inet static
# address
# gateway
sudo vim /etc/dhcpcd.conf
Edit last lines to:
# RAK_eth0_IP
profile static_eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
interface eth0
fallback static_eth0